Pipkin Family Association
Louis Pipkin vs. Archelaus Pipkin and others, 1855 |
The North-Carolinian April 21, 1855 (Fayetteville, NC)
North Carolina - Cumberland County Bill to subject defendant's interest in the estate of Stewart Pipkin to payment of debt to plaintiff. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Archelaus Pipkin, Jesse Pipkin, Daniel Pipkin, Jacob Herring and wife, Daniel Keathly and wife, Caroline Keathly, Archibald Keathly, are non-residents, notice is hereby given that the said Archelaus Pipkin and others, be and appear before this Honorable Court, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the 7th Monday after the 4th Monday of March, 1855. then and there to plead answer or demur, to Complainant's Bill, or the same will be take pro confesso, and be heard exparte as to him. Witness, Walter Alves Huske, Clerk and Master in Equity for said County, at office in Fayettevill the Seventh Monday after the Fourth Monday of September A. D. 1855
March 7, 1855 |
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