Pipkin Family Association

Hutt Family Photos

Submitted by Ann R. Fowler

Napoleon F. A. HUTT & his wife, Margaret E. "FINKLEA". Napoleon was a s/o Thurza "PIPKIN" & Jacob Ball HUTT. Thurza was the 2nd child of Rev. Lewis PIPKIN & Pheraby "BEASLEY"

Hiram Webster HUTT, grandfather of Ann F. FOWLER. Hiram was a son of Napoleon & Margaret

Dr. Isaac Newton HUTT & his wife, Virginia "MAXEY"; & their niece, Theresa Elizabeth "SMITH" as a small girl, d/o Theresa BALL "HUTT" & Dr W. J. S. SMITH, (Sr.) Dr. Isaac Newton HUTT was a s/o Napoleon & Margaret. Theresa or Thurza Ball HUTT was a d/o Napoleon & Margaret. The BALL surname comes from ole Jacob Ball HUTT, beings that his mother was a BALL.

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